Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello again everyone,

First let me thank you for your comments, I will try to take each request under consideration but I promise nothing!

Today I wanna discuss something called Facebook, assuming my faithful readers are all fans of the phenomena, I will naturally take the opposite side. Facebook, despite his numerous advantages such as being able to publish the amount of times one visited in the toilet, or to find people who 20 years ago decided to stop being your friends and insisting on renewing the so-called “friendship” – mainly due to boredom or hoping to cross the 500 friends golden line – is very annoying, disturbing, privacy killer and in my words, “1984 – the people’s version”

My mother in law, a lovely woman whose computer skills can be summed up in pressing the “start video call” button on Skype, asked me to be her friend on Facebook… Needless to say I press “confirm” without thinking twice (there are things you mess around with), but common – my mother in law?!

Of course, you don’t have to expose yourself entirely in the net but isn’t it the entire purpose? to see and to be seen? to comment on every stupid thing that someone else just wrote just to remind everyone that you are there? Yes, I know that sometimes people write important things in there (and in this case let me congratulate Maria one more time – Magistra!) but the important things are but a fraction of the endless meaningless trash we see there.

And one more thing, please don’t sell me this bullshit that it’s a communication tool, cause up until a year no one knew what is Facebook, and 15 years ago you couldn’t basically use a phone which is not connected to a wall or a sidewalk, yet people managed to communicate, believe it or not. So to conclude, the Facebook is nothing but a tool for people to become socially accepted by others – And after Marketing class today, I'm even more certain of that.

So now go ahead, and take out all your aggression at me, even though you know I'm right.

Have a great weekend all, and don’t forget to check my new Facebook picture...(:



  1. if you are right, i guess the rest of us (400Mill Users) are wrong!)

    There are many reasons of how to use Facebook. You just described the lazy ones, but what you should understand is, that FB is just an incredible tool to do WHATEVER you want! So, if telling people about the times you go to the toilet is your thing, thats ok, but doesn't have to be my thing... (and I can always hide you from my FB Wall)

    I for example, use FB to share my experience with family and friends back home, or to share insights with friends, share links, etc... I can't imagine my international life without Facebook, meaning, I can now socialize with friends and family members back home or in any other country.

    Different to your case, I have a cool mother in law, whom I am not afraid to show who really I am... So...i guess there is people that just doesn't like to open themselves to the world, because they don't like what the world would see of them...

    All teenagers, as Enrique Dans said, doesn't care about this. Why? I think they are just cool with the fact that they are transparent...for the good and the bad...

    Again, I am not saying you should put all your thoughts, insights, and experience online...but definitively you can share something (give please something back to us!) and well, by sharing on post of other you are actually contributing to this social experiment of the 21st century that can and will NOT be stopped...

    By the introduction of TV there were also angry grandpas that refused to use the new technology...but, technology, like evolution, can't be stopped...for the good, and the bad...

    Blog to you soon... =)

  2. Dear Guerson,
    One small word of advice. "Intimacy" should not be taken as "this person has something to hide!". As you said, you like to share things with your family and close friends and I did mentioned that there are good things in FB such as this, but you cannot pretend that the majority of all FC comments is not rubish! Pictures to my family back home I can also send via e-mail...

    And one more, very important, thing - my mother in law is the coolest person alive, she is like the combination of Brad Pitt, Samuel L. Jackson and james Dean of mothers in law - and I kidd you not! Nevertheless, I dont think our channel of communication should be through FB.

    And one more thing, despite our disagreement I enjoyed your reply, even though you were far from convincing me :)

    All the best my friend.

  3. I can agree with you that there is lot of junk in FB, but the same happens with Internet, number of emails sent (spam) or even conventional TV (without paying cable you are toast wherever you live!). So, does this mean we stop using this technologies? No. We just learn to filter. We learn to maximize the experience.

    I never said that FB should replace your comunicatiom channel with your relatives. FB, like email or telephone is just an additional/alternative Chanel to reach people.

    In FB you have the power to do whatever you want, so I can only recommend to use this power wisely, but never to be against it!

    FB has become so popular, and the fact that it has become a power tool of information distribution, is all what FB is! Imagine this: this blog I far more than private. Everyone can read it and would be great to have additional points of view for this topic. Should we having this conversation in facebook a potential number of at least 100-200 users would have already read and probably comment on this.
    Do you see now the power of this tool?

    Again. You don't have to share to the world what you consider "intimate". But I am sure there is a lot of you can share without making you feeling uncomfortable. So please don't let us reach the extrem on things. :)

    Blog to you soon my friend...

    Blog to you soon my friend...

  4. You are oh so very right, it is so much better to share your thoughts via your brand new blog, Viva la blog.
    Congrads, by the way, on your new blog.

  5. When you finish your MBA and you shut your FB account you will experience this great feeling of relievement, but don't forget to use to clean your dead FB account properly !

    I suicided from FB 3 years ago for all the reasons you mention in your blog, but after I suicided, FB kept teasing me sending me emails "are you sure you don't want to ressucitate ? your old frien Z is there and could be friend with you again, he misses you" etc etc.

    And now that, like you, I created a new account to survive during the program (= not be judged as an autistic psycopath arrogant lonely person + to be aware of the next party and club meetings), I realised that FB had kept track of me, it rememberded me !! 3 years later !!!! The second after I created this new account it suggested me to be friend with 30 relevant people I knew... Including my (one of my numerous) ex-girlfriend I last saw 13 years ago ! I did not realy want to see her picture with her new name of married women. Not that it bothers me, just that I did not ask for that ! Come on !!

    Nice pictures btw ;-)

